Sunday 26 February 2012

List of Bodybuilding events of 2012

List of  Bodybuilding events of 2012

March 24, 2012
AFBB 29th Annual Alaska State Pro-Am Bodybuilding, Fitness, Figure, Bikini Championships
Anchorage, Alaska
Derek Snelson  (253) 380-4829

April 7, 2012
NGA Pro Gold
NGA Grand Teton Invitational Bodybuilding, Figure & Bikini Championships
Hillcrest High School Performing Arts Center
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Sherry Randolph, Promoter,
SheBuilds Productions

April 14, 2012
  Natural Muscle Association Natural Northeast Bodybuilding, Figure & Bikini Pro- Am Championships
Rochester, New York
Pro qualifier
Promoter Joe Christiano (585) 234 7564
INBF Natural Buckeye Classic Bodybuilding & Figure Championships & WNBF Tournament of Champions
Greater Columbus Convention Center
WNBF Pro-Qualifier & Drug Free Wheelchair National Championships
Rich Lauro: (614) 284-5037
April 28, 2012
NGA Pro Atlas Pro Bodybuilding & Figure Championships
NGA 20th Annual Northwest Natural Bodybuilding & Figure Championships
Borah High School
Boise, Idaho
Promoter: Allen Bowlden, Northwest Productions
(208) 761-8892 
 Join us on Facebook
ONBF Mr. & Ms. Natural Ohio (NGA Pro Qualifier)
NGA Clash of the Titans Midwest Championships
(Pro Event)
NGA Pro Qualifier
C-Tec of Licking County
Newark, Ohio
NGA Pro Eric Broser will be guest posing and doing a seminar with Kyle,Harris,and Ben Hartman
Contact: Nick Showman (740) 403-9325

Bodybuilder Alexei Shabunya 2012 photos

Bodybuilder Alexei Shabunya 2012 photos

New amazing photos of the Belarusian champion Alexei Shabunya 3 weeks out from the Arnold Classic 2012.

Bodybuilder Petr Brezna photos and video

 Bodybuilder Petr Brezna photos and wallpapers

The Petr is a statue of perfect proportions of the top bodybuilders! Whatever I say will be a little ... View available two-headed!

Petr Brenza Video gallery

Bodybuilder Mark Dugdale wiki and photos

Bodybuilder Mark Dugdale wiki and photos

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Bodybuilder Lionel Beyeke photos and wiki

Bodybuilder Lionel Beyeke photos and wiki

Birthplace: Cameroon
Birthdate: September 10, 1980
Current Residence: Paris, France
Height: 5"10"
Weight: 252 lbs. contest, 285 lbs. off-season
Career Highlights: 2012 IFBB Flex Pro. 1st (over Ben Pakulski and Fouad Abiad; 2011 IFBB Toronto Pro, 2nd; 2009 Arnold Amateur (super heavyweight), 2nd


(Sources: Flex magazine and Yahoo! Contributor Network)

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Stomach and Abs Exercises video and photos

Stomach and Abs Exercises video and photos

Abdominal muscles consist of the oblique and the rectus abdominis. These muscles allow us to flex our spines. This then makes it possible for us to bend at our waists. The top ab exercises for men and women are those which allow them to bend at their waists. They include exercises such as sit-ups, crunches, and several variations of these exercises.
There are 10 fine examples of top ab exercises for people that should be tried by anyone who wishes to build stronger abdominal muscles and ultimately a six pack.
They include the following:
  • Body weight crunch
  • Weight crunch
  • Decline crunch
  • Machine crunch
  • Oblique crunch
  • Decline oblique crunch
  • Seated reverse crunch
  • Sit-ups
  • Lying reverse crunch
  • Decline sit-up

The ab exercises above are great, but they alone are not enough. If anyone is doing some of the ab exercises, a person should make sure they also watch their diet because there is no point in trying these exercises if you’re not willing to eat right or at least try to eat a little better. If people don’t watch their diet by eating healthy foods, they will probably end up not seeing great results when they do their ab exercises to strengthen their abdominal muscles. So for people who want to show off their abs to anybody who cares, and especially to the girls, they have to make sure they eat right and work out on a regular basis..
However, there is no guarantee for people who think that ab exercises alone will get them six packs.  They first of all have to eat right and work out regularly before they can think of getting those sough after abs. The best approach for people to get great abs while exercising is to focus. It is easy to lose focus especially when you feel like there are no obvious changes to the abs. All you need is a little will power and to keep your eye on the main prize-which is to get six packs.

How to get quick six pack abs ?

How to get quick six pack abs ?

Getting into shape is the number one new year resolution of almost 90% of the population and more than half of those people put down their goal as having great six pack abs. However just as most new year’s resolutions phase out in a week’s time, this one does too. This is because not many people approach this in a well-structured manner. 
Anyone who desires six pack abs can get one. It’s simple. Not easy but simple. At the end of the day, it’s really a math game. You need get your body fat percentage to 10% or less for those abs to show. In fact many moderately fit people doing those endless crunches may already have well defined abs, but they aren’t showing up because they are hidden under a lard of belly fat. It is a myth that you can get six pack abs only by doing crunches and sit ups. These exercises tone your abs, but for them to really show up, you need to burn body fat.
To get to any goal, you need to know where you are right now, find a map to get a route to your destination and then follow that route. To get six pack abs too, you need to follow the following guidelines.
1. Know where you are: Measure your body fat using a body fat caliper or a body fat scale to know your current position.
2. Develop a plan: If you at 20% body fat today, then your goal is to lose at least 10% body fat to get to your desired body fat level.
So whats the plan. Losing body fat is a combination of both diet and exercise. You need to figure out how many calories you need on a daily basis for maintaining your current body weight and then you will need to use the twin tools of diet and exercise to consume atleast 500 to 750 lesser than your maintenance level. It is possible to lose 1-2% of body fat per week. At a conservative rate of 1% per week you can lose 10% in 10 weeks through a combination of diet and exercise.

Abs workout for women and girls

Abs workout for women and girls
Female six pack abs are much more common than in the past. While it is more difficult for women to achieve a six pack compared to men, many are more than up for the challenge. There are also increasingly more men who are attracted to women with six pack abs.



It is possible for women to have a six pack without being overly bulkyeverywhere else. Women who are fitness competitors are an example of this (like the women above). Fit, toned, and muscular without being too large is a very attractive look to a lot of men. Including me!

While ab workouts are a key part of achieving six pack abs and are necessary, how you eat is an even bigger factor. A thousand crunches a day can't overcome poor eating habits. Your body fat level, much more than ab exercises determines whether you have a six pack or not. All the women on this page obviously have their diets in order.


Whole body strength training is another key to achieving a six pack. Lifts such as deadlifts, squats, pull-ups, push ups, and overhead presses heavily involve your core muscles. Your abs have to contract strongly to keep your trunk stable while performing those kind of movements. 


Six pack abs are a sign of a lot of dedication and hard work.An achievement to be proud of!

Yoga practices for Healthy sexual life

Yoga practices for Healthy sexual life

Great sex is a terrific mind-body experience- as is yoga. Yoga not only relieves stress-one of the drive dampeners-but also improves flexibility, increases blood flow, strengthens your lower abdomen and fills you with energy that help steam things up in the bedroom. Try these yoga poses for better sex.

Poorna Halasana: Lie on your back with your feet together, palms resting on the floor. Inhale and then while exhaling raise both your legs up. With the help of your palms, raise your hips up and bring your toes above your head, without bending your knees. Now interlock your fingers with each other, stretch your arms together and hold the position. Breathe normally while in this position, keeping the neck and face muscles relaxed. Come back to the original position in reverse order. How it helps: This asana is known to sublimate sexual energies by strengthening the pelvic area. It alleviates menstruation discomfort, and claims to remedy certain sexual disorders.

Padmasana: Sit on the floor and stretch your legs forward. Place your palms onto the sides of your body. Now, hold the sole of your right foot and place it on your left thigh; repeat with the left foot. Know this: Yoga helps tackle sexual disorders and improves chances of conception your back straight, place your palms on your knees in gyan mudra. Close your eyes slowly and breathe normally. Hold for some time and return to original position. How it helps: This asana stimulates the pelvis, spine, abdomen and bladder.

Dhanurasana: Lie down in prone position (face down), bend your knees. Now, hold your ankles with both hands and inhale while raising your legs and upper body. Hold for some time, breathe normally and return to prone position. How it helps: Effective in strengthening your back. Regular practise may improve chances of conception.
 Bhujangasana: Lie in prone position with legs together. Now fold your hands and place your palms on the floor aligned with each shoulder. Inhale, raise your chin, turn your head backwards and raise your upper body up to the navel. Hold for a while, exhale and come down to the original position. How it helps: This asana firms the chest, tackles spinal problems.

Sarvangasana: Lie down in the supine position (face upwards) and slowly inhale. Raise both the legs together at a 90 degree angle to the floor and then exhale. Use your palms to support your back and take your legs upwards till they align with your chest and abdomen as your chin is placed against the jugular notch. Lower your buttocks, release your hands slowly and bring your legs down without raising your head. How it helps: This asana is believed to cure premature ejaculation and loss of desire.

Kim Kardashian Gym and workout photos

Kim Kardashian Gym and workout photos

A curvy but somewhat slimmer-looking Kim Kardashian was spotted hitting a local gym in Studio City earlier 
Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian

Celebrities Workout and Diet Secrets

Celebrities Workout and Diet Secrets

ryan reynolds workout
Want To Look Like Jennifer Aniston?
Many people are looking to get into shape and often wonder how celebrities manage to do so. While many celebs are able to hire a chef and personal trainer, these drastic steps do not need to be taken to get into great physical shape. There are many Celebrity Workout routines that are available to the general public if you know where to look. Many of the secrets of these celebrity workout routines have been revealed by personal trainers who used to be employed by the stars themselves. These trainers have broken the ranks and let the public know the tricks of the trade that keep the folks you see on television looking so desirable and attractive. 

Jennifer Aniston hired a personal trainer to be with her at all times on the set of Friends. Her trainer kept a close eye on her diet and kept her motivated to avoid the unhealthy snacks that are made available to the stars in their trailers. Rumor has it that the Jennifer Aniston Workout included her working on her buttocks in between shots in a secret location somewhere on the set. By doing lunges and leg lifts, the star was able to keep her backside looking taught and firm for the camera. Her toned arms were achieved by lifting free weights that were no heavier than 5 or 10 pounds. This coupled with daily running led to her attractive look. 
taylor lautner workout
Want To Look Like Jessica Biel?
The lovely Jessica Biel did not get that desirable figure sitting on the couch and eating bonbons. Her personal trainer has revealed some of the secrets that went into her tough workout that lasted for five hours each day. The Jessica Biel Workout  included her being instructed to concentrate on both cardio andstrength training. She ran many miles a day and also lifted free weights in addition to working with nautilus machines. Stair jumping is another great secret of this fit star’s workout routine. Of course, even Biel herself has admitted that no workout plan would be effective without a strict diet that is adhered to without cheating. She gave up sweets and would fast on juices to lose the weight needed to fit into costumes. 
jessica biel workout
Want To Look Like Ryan Reynolds?
If you are looking to get as ripped as Ryan Reynolds then you need to eat a high protein diet and work those abs. This star used what is known as the shrink wrap effect, which reduces the range of reps in the stomach area and causes the muscles to tighten quickly and rapidly. TheRyan Reynolds Workout recommends using protein shakes to ensure that the body is getting enough of what it needs to build muscles. The Green Lantern star also employed a customized routine that split his workouts into many areas while always concentrating on working the entire body. In this way the star is able to support his newly built muscle and also appear proportional and attractive. This exhaustive form of working out takes a lot of discipline and concentration but even a regular person who is not going to appear on film can accomplish it. 
jennifer aniston workout
Want To Look Like Taylor Lautner?
Taylor Lautner is one of the best examples of a smaller guy putting on the brawn quickly. The Taylor Lautner Workout routine concentrated mainly on lifting free weights and strength building to build muscle fast for his appearance in the Twilight series. Taylor Lautner claims that it is easier to build muscle faster if you are not particularly muscular to begin with. He also had to gain 30 pounds in order to appear as the sexy creature of the night that we saw on the silver screen. 

Celebrity Exercise Routines are a great way to take control of the body and to get in shape quickly and without unneeded effort. The stars need to change their body shapes seemingly overnight to transform into the characters we see on television and in the movies. The personal trainers and diet experts they hire offer them concentrated routines and secrets to achieve these awesome results. Luckily, these secrets are now being revealed to everyone for the first time so that we can enjoy their benefits. No longer will we have to marvel at the physiques of celebrities when we can enjoy the attractive frames that they sport on our own bodies. 


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