Saturday 10 November 2012

CDSE 2013 Full Detail,CDSE 2013 Apply online

CDSE 2013 Full Detail,CDSE 2013 Apply online

Recruitment -Application Form For Combined Defence Services Examination (I) – 2013. The Union Public Service Commission is conducting the Combined Defence Services Examination CDS(I) -2013  as per notification dated 10th Nov, 2012.
Name of Post : Combined Defence Services
Examination : Combined Defence Services Examination (I)
Notice Number : 02/2013-CDS-I
» Age Limit: Candidates are asked to go through the website for the details of age limit.
» Qualification - Passed /appeared /appearing the final year degree or equi. exam with Physics and Maths(at 10+2 Level) OR Passed /appeared/appearing the final year of Engineering Degree Examination OR Passed/appeared/appearing the final year degree or equi. exam with other subjects.
» Application Fee Structure : General and OBC candidates need to pay Rs. 200/- towards application fees and SC/ST/Female candidates are exempted from payment of application fees. Fee must be paid in cash at any branch of State Bank of India or can also be paid fees through online mode using Visa/Master credit or debit card of SBI.
» How To Apply: Visit official web of UPSC i.e after visit filled the All (*) mandatory given of apply online registration part 1, For payment of exam fees, examination center, upload of photograph and signature proceed to PART-II Registration.

Starting Date of online Registration : 10-11-2012
Closing Date of online Registration : 10-12-2012

Apply online: 1st Part
                     2nd Part
» Selection Procedure : Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in Written Test and Interview/Personality Test.
» Help Center: In case of any difficulty faced by the candidates for Apply Online, they may contact the UPSC Facilitation Counter

Sunday 4 November 2012

Ways to Pull-ups For Great Back

Ways to Pull-ups For Great Back

Every muscle group has a gold-standard exercise for strength and growth. These time-tested compound movements form the backbone of any training regimen. When it comes to back training, no exercise can equal the pull-up for effectiveness and versatility.
Despite its usefulness, the same big guys who jump at the chance to get under the bar for a bench press shy at the thought of jumping up to a pull-up bar. Yeah, pull-ups are tough. Sure, you might be bad at them. But everybody has to start somewhere.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

How to Approach a Girl For the First Time ?

How to Approach a Girl For the First Time ?

Approach her no matter what
If you approach, you win -- no matter what happens. Most guys are too focused and concerned about a conversation going well and walking away with a phone number. This is a big mistake. Look at it this way: As long as you open your mouth and say something -- anything at all -- you're doing what 95% of guys can only dream about. Congratulate yourself the instant you start the conversation -- after all, you're already a cut above the rest. Once you've made this initial verbal contact, relax and enjoy the chat with her.
Focus on how you'll feel if you don't talk to her
One reason you hesitate to start talking to her is because it feels uncomfortable to take the leap. But the fact is, it's more uncomfortable not to. Think about it: If you approach her, you may be nervous at first, but before you know it, the conversation is over. And if you don't approach her, you'll wish you had, and you'll carry that regret with you for the rest of the day. Save yourself the agony and go talk to her.
Don't put undue pressure on yourself
When most guys see a woman they'd like to meet, they immediately view her as a potential date,which creates all sorts of pressure. Instead, look at the next woman you meet as an opportunity to work on your "skills." This "mindset shift" helps you to be less attached to the outcome, in turn, making you more relaxed and more likely to start the conversation. Don't forget: You also improve the chances of it turning out to be a fun experience for everyone.

Best way of Reading books to impress a Girl

Best way of Reading books to impress a Girl

Before we proceed, I need to point out a contradiction. You say that you want to sound smart in a hot and a douchey intellectual way. I'm afraid these two things are mutually exclusive. Douchey intellectuals aren't hot or necessarily smart. In fact, it may be a turn-off to have someone throw around book titles to sound like their pants are just full of smarties. Just sayin'.

If you're determined to stay on the douchey side of the spectrum, it takes more than just reading fancy books. It's about the attitude. A few tips:

Tone - Try to keep your tone as condescending as possible. For example,  you should disparage all obvious metaphors such as, "The metaphor of water in The Great Gatsby is just too utterly obvious. It's about the boat."

Language - If the book was written in a non-English language, use its original title and pronounce it correctly. For example, use Les Liaisons dangereuses instead of Dangerous Liaisons. Extra douche points if you read these books and quote passages in their original language.

Age - Put down newer books in favor of older, incredibly difficult to read books. This isn't a hard and fast rule though, thanks to David Foster Wallace. But always, always turn up your nose at popular fiction. The Hunger Games? Shockingly bad!

Discussion points - Stories, plots, character development? How pedestrian. Talk about the beauty of Henry James' and Borges' writing. You don't even need to read them, just say that their prose reminds us of our fragile humanity (whatever that means).

If you want to be a hot literary nerd, all you need to do is to tell the girl what you actually thought of the book.

With this list, you'll be able to go either way: hot nerd or douchey intellectual. It's all about the tone.

Ulysses (James Joyce): They teach entire college courses devoted to this book. You can't beat an eye-patched author for panache!

Infinite Jest (David Foster Wallace): Fractals! How could a girl not swoon about a book that combines philosophy, mathematics and humor?

Anything by Jorge Luis Borges: I'm not even sure Borges understood his books either. So, you can say whatever you want about them, it'll sound plausible.

Anything by Jane Austen: Not only will she think you're smart, but she'll think you're a hot sensitive hunk who understands women. Just don't compare the girl with Fanny Price.

Major philosophical works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and Rene Descartes: I'd start with No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre, at least that one is fun to read (and short).

Major tragedies by William Shakespeare: No Tempest for you, they teach that in middle school, for goodness' sake! It's about the epic tragedies: King Lear, Macbeth, Hamlet, et cetera. These tragedies will allow you to be emotive, intellectual and hot all at once. (Romeo and Juliet is cheating though.)

Of course, I'm just scratching the surface here, but being a douchey intellectual is work. Postscript: beware of going too obscure. A girl won't be impressed by something that she has never heard of.

How to make body like "300" movie Actors ?

How to make body like "300" movie Actors ?

In 300, Gerard Butler was very lean, but not overly developed. This probably means that instead of doing heavy sets with long rest periods, his workout was geared toward circuit training, and possibly more calisthenics than a lot of heavy weights at low reps. Stimulating muscles with lighter weights and doing more reps would still allow glycogen breakdown, without making the body “skinny-fat” from doing all cardio with no resistance training.

Perform all of these exercises in quick succession. At the end of the circuit, rest 30 to 60 seconds -- just long enough for you to lower your heart rate -- and then repeat the circuit again. Do this whole circuit three to five times in a row. By the end of it, you should feel like you just warded off an entire Persian army by yourself.
Exercise 1
Pull-ups -- Until failure (if you cannot do pull-ups, use the assisted pull-up machine)

Firstly, pull-ups are usually done using the pronated (overhand) grip, meaning that the palms of your hands point away from you, with your thumbs pointing toward each other. With this in mind, stand under the pull-up bar, grasp it and relax  your shoulders. Keep your arms straight and simply hang off the bar while keeping your body vertical, trying not to rock back and forth.

Pull your chest up toward the bar by bending your arms. The motion should be smooth. Pause for a moment before you start lowering yourself back down. Slowly begin straightening your arms and lowering yourself toward your starting position. Pause once you've lowered yourself completely to a hanging position, then repeat the exercise.
Exercise 2
Dumbbell deadlifts -- Pick a weight you can handle for 25 reps

Stand in an upright position while holding dumbbells at your sides. Lower the dumbbells down toward the floor by first sitting your hips back, then bend your knees and torso until you reach the floor or just slightly above. Keep your back flat and your head in a neutral position throughout the movement. Make sure you keep the dumbbells near your sides. Don’t let them swing out in front of your body. This is a great exercise for developing your legs and back.
Exercise 3
Push-ups -- Until failure

Lie chest-down with your hands at shoulder level, palms flat on the floor, slightly more than shoulder-width apart, with your feet together and parallel to each other. Look forward rather than down at the floor. The first contact you make with the floor with any part of the face should be your chin, not your nose. Keep your legs straight and your toes tucked under your feet. Straighten your arms as you push your body up off the floor.

Keep your palms fixed at the same position and keep your body straight. Try not to bend or arch your upper or lower back as you push up. Exhale as your arms straighten. Pause for a moment  and then lower your body slowly toward the floor. Bend your arms and keep your palms in a fixed position. Keep your body straight and feet together. Lower your body until your chest touches the floor. Try not to bend your back. Keep your knees off the floor, and inhale as you bend your arms. Pause for a moment. Begin straightening your arms for a second push-up. Exhale as you raise your body.
Exercise 4
Jump rope -- 1 to 2 minutes (If you can’t jump rope, jumping jacks will do.)

This exercise will keep your heart rate up in between the circuit resistance training and add even more of a cardiovascular benefit.

Begin by grasping handles in your hands and relaxing the middle of the rope at your ankles with both hands at your sides. Swing the rope over your head in a forward motion, keep your feet together and jump over the rope. Increase your speed as you feel more comfortable.
Exercise 5
Dumbbell clean and press -- Using a weight you can handle for 25 reps

Stand in an upright position while holding dumbbells at your sides. Lower the dumbbells down toward the floor by first sitting your hips back, then bending your knees and torso until your reach the floor or just slightly above. Keep your back flat and your head in a neutral position throughout the movement. Make sure you keep the dumbbells near your sides. Don’t let them swing out in front of your body.
Exercise 6
Burpees -- 25 reps

Start in a squat position with your hands on the floor in front of you. When ready, kick your feet back to a push-up position. Immediately return your feet to the squat position. Leap up as high as possible from the squat position. You should repeat this procedure moving as quickly as possible while keeping good form.
Workout schedule
As you can see, this circuit is similar to a military-type routine which would be great for training soldiers. On days two, three and four, you can switch up the order of the exercises, while keeping the same general structure. This way you will get resistance training and cardio in at the same time to burn body fat and preserve muscle mass during your lean-down diet.
a modern-day spartan
Gerard Butler and the cast of 300 probably used a routine similar to this, which was why their bodies looked like those of well-trained soldiers. They put on dense muscle while remaining lean and in good cardiovascular shape to make it through those long grueling battles. Try this routine for a few weeks in combination with a good diet plan, and watch your body begin to shape and chisel itself toward the likeness of a Spartan soldier.

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